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Forums » Prof-UIS Tech Support » Dynamic updation of Menu bar not happening after Prof-UI application Collapse All
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howard liu May 23, 2008 - 5:04 AM


I am trying apply Prof-UI design to the user interface of my application. The main user interface of my application has a menu bar and 3 panes. One pane is used to display a graph(graphics pane), other pane is used to exhibit text(text pane) and the third pane is used to show some results(result pane). Depending on which pane i click, the menu bar items gets updated. I.e. to say when i click on graphics pane I have a particular set of menu bar items. When I move and click on text pane the menu bar items get changed and again when i move to result pane the menu bar items get changed. The menu bar gets dynamically updated depending on which pane you are in. <o:p></o:p>

But after enabling Prof-UI modification over the user interfaces, the dynamic updation of the menu bar is not happening. I am not able to see any dynamic changes to the menu bar items on moving from one pane to the other. Are there any specific method that is already available in Prof-UI that I can use for the dynamic updation of the menu bar items.<o:p></o:p>


Thanks, <o:p></o:p>

Howard <o:p></o:p>


Technical Support May 24, 2008 - 6:21 AM

The menu bar in Prof-UIS supports automatic menu content updating depending on the active MDI child frame window in the MDI interface. If you need to modify the menu bar’s content depending on the focused windows in resizable control bars, you should reload the menu bar’s content content manually. The CExtMenuControlBar control is kind of the CExtToolControlBar toolbar control. I.e. the menu bar is a toolbar in which the menu line is implemented as a set of toolbar buttons with menus. The CExtMenuControlBar::UpdateMenuBar() recreates all the buttons in the menu bar. The CExtMenuControlBar::_UpdateMenuBar() virtual method removes all the buttons and creates a new set of buttons. You can override the CExtMenuControlBar::_UpdateMenuBar() virtual method and implement your algorithm of building the menu bar’s content. Your method should be the same as the original one except that it should use your preferred menu resources instead of the default menu tree assigned to the main frame window.