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Forums » Prof-UIS Tech Support » Docking controls which fill the frame Collapse All
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Nick Torkos Jan 19, 2006 - 10:52 PM

I have 4 CExtControlBars and one CMainFrame, no ChildViews.

How do I make the controlbars dock and take up the whole CMainFrame rather than parts of it?  Essentially I want to have several rendering windows as in the OpenGL example, but without the background window (the main ChildView).



Technical Support Jan 21, 2006 - 11:27 AM

There are two types of control bars: fixed sized control bars in the outer areas of the main frame window and resizable control bars docked in any possible complex layouts in the inner areas of the main frame window or auto-hidden. Both control bars can be floating. But it is not possible to cover the entire area of the main frame window with any kind of dockable window. The dockable windows are designed to be docked to the sides of the main frame window that is technically called the dock site. The main frame window actually works as the site, as the place or location, where the control bars of any kind can be docked to the frame borders.

The real solution can be provided with dynamic resizable control bars demonstrated in the sample applications like SDI_DynamicBars or MDI_DynamicBars. The dynamic resizable bars can become an MDI child frame window in MDI applications which may even do not have any classic MFC child frame/view windows not depending on whether the doc/view architecture is used. The dynamic resizable bars are able to become tab pages in the Prof-UIS tab page container window that is used as the main view window of the SDI application. In other words, the dynamic resizable bars allow you to code the application in which all the windows are Prof-UIS control bars. You only need to choose at least one of them as the control bar, which is initially located in the tab page of the SDI application or as the MDI frame in the MDI application. Of course, the latter is optional and not a really necessary restriction. This design simply assumes you have only the resizable control bar windows in your application, most of them are docked at the main frame’s borders and one of them, typically it is the most important, is used to cover the rest central part of the main frame window.