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Forums » Prof-UIS Tech Support » DockControlBar Collapse All
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Daniel Tiedy Nov 13, 2003 - 4:21 PM

Could you explain to me exactly what the (bool bInnerHalfSplit ) parameter does of the CExtControlBar::DockControlBar function. I read your docs many times and it is still unclear to me. Thanks

Technical Support Nov 14, 2003 - 4:09 AM

Dear Daniel,

If bInnerHalfSplit is set to false, the control bar is docked in the same row/column next to another bar. The false value is useful when you need to dock control bars into one row/column.

If bInnerHalfSplit is set to true, a new instance of the resizable bar is created. The newly created control bar is the instance of the CExtDynControlBar internal class, which contains the two bars specified in DockControlBar(). This dynamic control bar is called "dynamic bar container". It allows the user to organize horizontal rows of bars inside one vertical column and vice versa. It also makes it possible to get complex layouts of bars inside one floating mini-frame window.

So, if you use a layout with several bars which should be docked in one row/column, you need not use the true value of bInnerHalfSplit at all.

Some comments related to your previous questions:
Prof-UIS also supports dynamic tab containers which are instances of the internal CExtDynTabControlBar classes derived from CExtDynControlBar. The tabbed container is a kind of a dynamic row/column container with the tab control inside. It does not organize rows/columns but makes all bars stretched to its inner area and keeps one active child bar on the top among others. That is why you should initially dock non-tabbed bars and only after that organize your tab-containers.