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Forums » Prof-UIS Tech Support » Dock toolbar control into Resizable Dockable window Collapse All
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rajneesh Jul 8, 2003 - 6:05 AM

How can a toolbar control docked into resizable dockable window?

Technical Support Jul 8, 2003 - 9:15 AM

Dear Rajneesh,

Prof-UIS implements the standard docking behavior of any toolbar in Microsoft products: a dockable toolbar can be docked to any side of the frame or it can be in the floating state. We haven’t come across any other behavior yet.

If you need non-standard docking behavior, please provide us with more details so that we can help you.

rajneesh Jul 9, 2003 - 7:21 AM

Our requirement is Fixed toolbar control should be docked with resizable dockable window.

Technical Support Jul 10, 2003 - 4:10 AM


What you need is not difficult to do. Please take a look at the CProfStudioSolutionExplorer class in the ProfStudio sample. It is a CExtResizableDialog-derived window in the child mode. This dialog has been inserted into a resizable bar and contains one toolbar (m_wndToolBar) which is always at the top side of the dialog. The m_wndToolBar object is created in CProfStudioSolutionExplorer::OnInitDialog(). In CProfStudioSolutionExplorer methods you can also find the following line (twice):

RepositionBars( 0, 0xFFFF, IDC_TREE_SE );

This line performs reposition of all the dialog childs to dialog borders (In our case we have only one toolbar at the dialog top). IDC_TREE_SE is an identifier of the tree control that occupies the rest of the dialog.

So what you will have to do is:
1) Create a child dialog inside your resizable bar
2) Create and initialize a toolbar in this dialog
3) Call CWnd::RepositionBars() twice: In CYourDlg::OnInitDialog() and in CYourDlg::OnSize()

That’s all.

rajneesh Jul 15, 2003 - 11:49 PM

CProfStudioSolutionExplorer only create fixed toolbar into resizable toolbar control but we can not docked it with the mainframe window.

Our requirement is to docked the fixed toolbar with the mainframe window and same toolbar can be docked with the resizable toolbar control also.

we can dock fixed toolbar with main frame but can not dock same toolbar with resizable toolbar control.

rajneesh Jul 16, 2003 - 12:15 AM

I am sending a sample in which docking sequence should be like this.

"Tree view bar" dockable window should be docked with mainframe only.

"Editor bar" ,"Dialog view bar" dockable window should be dock with "Tree view bar" dockable window only not with other.

"Empty bar " docked with mainframe window and "Color picker bar" docked with "Empty bar".

Technical Support Jul 17, 2003 - 3:45 AM

Dear Rajneesh,

We have posted you a letter with your project modified. Please let us know whether it is what you need.

ragneesh Jul 17, 2003 - 5:02 AM

I saw your sample.Dockable windows are docked with group1 and group2.Dockable window are fixed with group1 and group2 this is not our requirement.
Our requirement is dockable window should be docked with specific group but not fixed.we should able to dragout each control from the group.

Technical Support Jul 19, 2003 - 9:54 AM

Dear Rajneesh,

A new version of your project has been sent to you.

Do not hesitate to contact us if you have any questions. We are always happy to help you.