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Forums » Prof-UIS Tech Support » Disable the double click on the title bar Collapse All
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Saroj Acharya Mar 22, 2005 - 11:10 AM


When I doble click on the title bar of my CExtControlBar window, it just get disappeared and no where to be found. However, when I re-launch the application, it comes back in one place....may be resized (but definitely different position than just before double clicking the title bar.). This is really a problem for me and I would like to disable this (doubleclick on the title bar) feature.

Can help me to get this issue resolved ?



Technical Support Mar 22, 2005 - 12:32 PM

We may guess that the control bar is switched to the floating state after double clicking its caption but appears somewhere outside the screen. This problem can exist only if you have changed the desktop resolution after you run the application before. If this problem persists, then please send us your project and we will clarify the issue.

Saroj Acharya Mar 22, 2005 - 4:25 PM


I did not change the size of my desktop. I can repeat this problem everytime. When I doubleclick the titlebar of my CExtControlBar (i am using prof_ui v2.30), the window will disappear. This happens when the controlbar is docked to my frame window.

However, I noticed that when I float this same window somewhere on the screen first, then dock it on the frame window and doubleclick on the titlebar, it will float on the screen(But not on the same place it was floating just before docking it on the famewindow). Looks like the controlbar is floating randomly when it’s title bar is doubleclicked.

Would appreciate if you could look into this issue and let me know if it is specific to my application or a know/unknown bug.



Technical Support Mar 23, 2005 - 7:06 AM

We believe that we will be able to quickly find the cause of the problem if we take a look at your project. We also wonder whether the same buggy behavior exists in any of sample applications provided with Prof-UIS?

Please follow these steps:

  1. Download Prof-UIS 2.31 from , unpack it and overwrite the contents of 2.30.
  2. Rebuild the library.
  3. Modify your CMainFrame::OnCreate() method. You need to call the m_wndResizableBar.SetInitDesiredPosFloating() method for all resizable control bars before you dock them. This method is introduced in Prof-UIS 2.31.
  4. Remove the UI state saved in the system registry, run your application, test it and let us know the results.

Saroj Acharya Mar 23, 2005 - 2:24 PM


Looks like you fixed the problem in version 2.31. When doubleclicked, it goes back to the position it was last floated at. However, it would be nice if doubleclicked again while in floating mode, it would go back to previously docked position. Don’t know if it could be possible...just wondering.


Technical Support Mar 24, 2005 - 7:19 AM

We cannot say that we specially fixed any bugs with dockable windows in v.2.31. The control bars in your application should work both in 2.30 and in 2.31. The switching between floating and docked states by clicking on the caption is not yet implemented for resizable control bars due to incompatibility in design between the resizable control bar and MFC control bar. The standard MFC control bar does not support nested docking nor floating of several control bars inside one mini frame window.