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Forums » Prof-UIS Tech Support » Custom tooltips for CExtGridWnd headers Collapse All
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Krustys Donuts Mar 7, 2008 - 7:48 PM

When I set the __EGBS_EX_CELL_TOOLTIPS extended-style flag in my CExtGridWnd, tooltips appear when hovering over the headers.

The problem is, the tooltip text is the same as the text of the headers themselves -- e.g. when I hover over the "Increment" column, the tooltip reads "Increment." What I WANT to do is have custom tooltip text for each column, e.g. hovering over the "Increment" column header should show the tooltip "The increment can be a positive or negative number."

Is there an easy way to do this?

Offer Har Mar 10, 2008 - 7:01 AM

Hello there,

I was asking for such feature for a long time, and got no response from them.
However, I did implement something like this myself, and because the library has full-source it works rather fine (had to add a function to CExtGridCell - GetComment)
If you want I can send it to you via e-mail. I tried to interest them in incorporating this into the product with no luck.


Krustys Donuts Mar 10, 2008 - 12:30 PM

Yes, I’d be interested in seeing your source code for this, thanks.

You can use my "daytime" e-mail address of .

NOTE: I’m currently using version 2.5.3 of Prof-UIS, so if your changes were made to a later version I’ll need to know precisely which functions you added and which you changed (and where) so that I can extract them and incorporate them into our source base properly. Sending me a context diff of the changes you made would be most helpful!