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Forums » Prof-UIS Tech Support » Custmization on a file Collapse All
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Simon DESEE Aug 11, 2006 - 5:27 AM

Dear sir,

I want to add customization on my application.

But I need to store state data on a file and not on the registry.

How can I do this ?


Technical Support Aug 14, 2006 - 6:30 AM

Our samples with customizable toolbars and menus are based on the CExtCustomizeSite::CustomizeStateLoad() and CExtCustomizeSite::CustomizeStateSave() methods that loads/saves the UI state-from/to the registry. You should use the CExtCustomizeSite::CustomizeStateSerialize() method instead. This method is based on the MFC’s CArchive serialization. The first two methods create an archive in a memory file and then use the third method. You should create an archive based on the file system and invoke the CExtCustomizeSite::CustomizeStateSerialize() method:

CFile file( . . . );
CArchive ar(
        CArchive::load // or CArchive::store
    if( ! CExtCustomizeSite::CustomizeStateSerialize(ar) )
        . . .

Simon DESEE Aug 15, 2006 - 4:14 AM

It’s ok, thanks.

There’s just one problem now: when I click to the drop-down menu of a CExtToolControlBar, I don’t see the "Show/hide panels" menu. A tooltip string is showed (IDS_CONTENT_EXPAND_TIP).

How can I activate this menu ?


Technical Support Aug 15, 2006 - 6:49 AM

There are not enough details in your message to come to any conclusion about what’s wrong. We can only guess there are some collision between Prof-UIS internal command/resource identifiers declared in the ..\Prof-UIS\Include\Resources\resource.h file and your project resource identifiers.

Simon DESEE Aug 15, 2006 - 6:57 AM

I don’t explain correctly my problem, sorry.

I post another message accidentally on this forum at 6:22 AM. This is much better explain.

I wrote:

My application have somes toolbars with customization actived.

I can access the customize menu, but no menus apperas when I click on the drop down menus of my toolbars. I see a tooltip "Where’s my button".

How can I activate this menu (to hde or show panels) ?

Thanks for your help