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Forums » Prof-UIS Tech Support » Control Bars Menu and Add/Remove buttons Collapse All
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Daniel Tiedy Nov 13, 2003 - 1:18 AM

Is there a way to have Hide/Show Control Bars menu item added to my own menu through your current system? Also I would like to add the Add/Remove buttons menu item to my own menu popup also for one specific toolbar? Is this possible?

For Instance when I right click on a tool bar I would like to have a menu that looks like this:

Allow Docking
Show/Hide Panels->(All Panels shown here)
Add/Hide Buttons-> (Only have the buttons for this Toolbar here)

Technical Support Nov 13, 2003 - 7:03 AM

Dear Daniel,

The feature you are requesting is possible to implement with Prof-UIS, but first we need to learn whether toolbars and menus in your project are customizable.

Daniel Tiedy Nov 13, 2003 - 11:47 AM

All Toolbars and Menus are customizable. What I am trying to do is have the chevrons only visible when absolutely needed. They are only really necessary if I can not hit all visible buttons on the toolbar. So with this in mind I would still like the right click context menu of a toolbar to act similary as the menu on the chevron did. Currently the right click menu on a toolbar is nothing more than a list of controlbars to hide and show. I still want that but under a popup menu called "Show and Hide" like the chevron menus has. I also want the Add/Remove button popup to, but I don’t want a list of all the toolbars on this dock site, I just want the list of buttons for the toolbar that envoked the context menu. So if my chevron is hidden I can still right click on a toobar and get all the same functionality. In fact I will also change the chevron menu to be identical to the right click menu, except the chevron menu will have hidden buttons too. I hope this clarifies my intentions. Thanks a lot. Everything is coming along nicely.

Technical Support Nov 14, 2003 - 4:02 AM

Dear Daniel,
We are sending you a sample project today. It seems to be what you need.