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Forums » Prof-UIS Tech Support » Constant __EXT_DEFAULT_CHECK_BOX_SIZE not defined in 2.51 Collapse All
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Adrian M Dec 21, 2005 - 9:35 AM

I was using code taken from some of the samples (I started somewhere around 2.30 or so), and the __EXT_DEFAULT_CHECK_BOX_SIZE constant was used there. I installed 2.51 and when building my code, the compiler complains about it not being defined.

I could of course redefine it, or use its value (13 as defined in the previous packages), but is there a recommended way to change the code? Here is how it has been used:

CExtImageList il(m_nBitmapResource, RGB(255,0,255), __EXT_DEFAULT_CHECK_BOX_SIZE);

Technical Support Dec 21, 2005 - 10:25 AM

The tree boxes in Windows XP, Server 2003 and earlier versions are always 13 x 13. They may visually have a different size if some Windows skinning package is installed. The CExtPaintManager class in Prof-UIS 2.51 defines the following virtual methods: GetCheckButtonBoxSize() and GetRadioButtonBoxSize(). So, from now on we assume that the check box may have any size, not only 13 x 13. You can safely use the value 13 if the shape of check box is defined by a bitmap / image list.