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Forums » Prof-UIS Tech Support » consistent background color Collapse All
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Thomas Zaenker Jun 21, 2005 - 6:51 AM

Dear support team,

I have a CExtResizableDlg with custom controls and a child dialog with CSliderCtrl and static controls in it. The background color of the children does not match those of the dialog itself. My custom control uses g_PaintManager->PaintDockerBkgnd to match the background colors. Was this the right way? Then I derived the child dialog from CExtResizableDlg and disabled the gripper. But now the background of the sliders is wrong and the background of my static control is not erased.

Could you please tell me, how to get a consistent background in all controls. A fully owner drawn slider is not a good solution like you did in your sample AdoRecordsetView. The slider should look like all other sliders.

Thanks in advance.



Technical Support Jun 22, 2005 - 3:22 AM

We will consider your question as a feature request. We believe it is possible to code a slider control which is similar to the standard control except it uses Prof-UIS for painting its background. But unfortunately the standard slider control does not have methods to get exact positions of its parts. So, we need to conduct some research before providing you with a more detailed answer or a ready-to-use solution.