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Forums » Prof-UIS Tech Support » Complete Uninstall? Collapse All
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Scott Sumner Dec 21, 2004 - 7:50 AM


I recently received a "new" computer.  I use quotations because it wasn’t a virgin machine, and may have had a prior version of ProfUIS installed, probably the freeware version.

Anyway, the problem is that an install of 227 won’t allow me to choose to integrate the wizard or the help system.  There is no version currently installed, but perhaps some leftover registry keys remain from a previous version, mucking up the current installation attempt.  Is this possible?


Technical Support Dec 21, 2004 - 9:28 AM

Please check whether you have the following key on your new computer: HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Foss Software, Inc.\Prof-UIS. If it is, then the INSTALLDIRECTORY value under this key describes to where Prof-UIS is installed. We guess, Prof-UIS was installed and removed via deleting files and folders on the disk. The RELEASEVERSION under this key describes the version of Prof-UIS that was installed.

You may remove this key and remove all registry keys and values which have the name that equals to the unique identifier corresponding to the previous version. Here is the list of unique version identifiers:

* Prof-UIS 2.25 - {0565A7F1-B83A-4901-8C93-8C3F8621C026}
* Prof-UIS 2.26 Commercial - {5F6B179B-0752-4CE9-A265-4410F8B3EE28}
* Prof-UIS 2.26 Trial - {A41F6B81-AA9F-4239-A016-C5028AC00AC1}
* Prof-UIS 2.27 Commercial - {4D6B54D7-B92D-473A-9EBB-B9B5775FD87E}
* Prof-UIS 2.27 Trial - {7DD9D42C-E9CF-41C0-AFE6-9060456A4C1E}

After that you should be able to complete the new installation successfully.