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Forums » Prof-UIS Tech Support » Colors were changed?.. Collapse All
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Dmitry Dulepov Dec 17, 2004 - 5:33 AM

My application had a nice blue gradient backgrounds with Office 2003 paint manager prior to version 2.27. When I recompiled the program with 2.27, all backgrounds became silver (because I use silver theme in XP???). Seems like behaviour is changed seriously but it is not acceptable for me :( Blue color was one of the features of my GUI. How can I get it back with 2.27? I need exactly the same as it was before...

Technical Support Dec 17, 2004 - 9:39 AM

In version 2.27 we improved the GUI supported with Prof-UIS but, of course, that could not affect your application so dramatically. Please tell us which theme is used on your Windows XP and which one of the paint manager. We would also like to ask you send us a screenshot to clarify the issue.

Dmitry Dulepov Dec 20, 2004 - 6:59 AM

Well, theme is Silver. It is still LUNA but silver, not blue. You can set it in the display properties and check with any sample from your web site. For example:
v. 2.26 look:
v. 2.27 look:

In my opinion 2.26 has much better style. It is just unique, does not look like anything else.

Technical Support Dec 21, 2004 - 9:13 AM

In Prof-UIS 2.27 we used the very same colors as those in Microsoft products. But, of course, you can use your own color scheme by creating your own paint manager and overriding the InitTranslatedColors method which defines all colors.

In your case, you need to correct only two colors. Open the CExtPaintManagerOffice2003::InitTranslatedColors method, find the following lines

// install new colors
m_mapColorTranslate[_2003CLR_GRADIENT_LIGHT] =
      ( g_PaintManager.m_eCurrentTheme == ThemeLunaSilver )
         ? stat_HLS_Adjust( clrFillHint, 0.10, 0.80, 0.00 )
         : stat_HLS_Adjust( clrFillHint, 0.00, 0.43, 0.00 )
m_mapColorTranslate[_2003CLR_GRADIENT_DARK] =
      ( g_PaintManager.m_eCurrentTheme == ThemeLunaSilver )
         ? stat_HLS_Adjust( clrFillHint, 0.10, 0.40, 0.00 )
         : clrFillHint
and replace them with the code below:
m_mapColorTranslate[_2003CLR_GRADIENT_LIGHT] =
      ( g_PaintManager.m_eCurrentTheme == ThemeLunaSilver )
         ? stat_HLS_Adjust( clrFillHint, 0.00, 0.40, 0.00 )
         : stat_HLS_Adjust( clrFillHint, 0.00, 0.43, 0.00 )
m_mapColorTranslate[_2003CLR_GRADIENT_DARK] =
      ( g_PaintManager.m_eCurrentTheme == ThemeLunaSilver )
         ? stat_HLS_Adjust( clrFillHint, 0.00, 0.10, 0.00 )
         : stat_HLS_Adjust( clrFillHint, 0.02, 0.07, 0.00 )