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Forums » Prof-UIS Tech Support » CExtTreeGridWnd expand bug Collapse All
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Offer Har Apr 9, 2008 - 7:58 AM

I override OnTreeGridToggleItemExpandedState, for implementing my virtual tree.

According to the help file this function is: "Called when a tree grid item is expanded or collapsed."

Hoever, if you set the focus to a node, and press the right arrow, which expands this node, the fucntion is not called.

Please fix....

Offer Har Apr 10, 2008 - 11:04 AM

This is from the help file of 2.82:

ItemExpand: Expands or collapses the list of child items, if any, associated with the specified parent item.

OnTreeGridToggleItemExpandedState: Called when a tree grid item is expanded or collapsed.

So, if I understand the help, the second function is an event firing, whereas the first one is a command to expand a node.

It is very unclear to me why the OnXXX is fired when I click with the mouse on a node, and not when I use the keyboeard - please explain to me what is the difference, and how your solution can solve the problem. All user method of expanding and collapsing a node should end in the same OnXXX function.

Technical Support Apr 10, 2008 - 10:54 AM

The name of the OnTreeGridToggleItemExpandedState() method contains the word Toggle. This means the method is invoked for toggling the expanded state rather than forcibly expanding or collapsing a node regardless of its state. Please override the CExtTreeGridWnd::ItemExpand() method instead.

Offer Har Apr 11, 2008 - 2:26 PM

Dear Support,

Even though I think there is some confusion in the definitions in the help file, overrding ItemExand does catch all cases that a node is exanded or collapsed, so I don’t need OnTreeGridToggleItemExpandedStat at all.

Can you please give me an example when OnTreeGridToggleItemExpandedState is used?



Technical Support Apr 16, 2008 - 4:58 AM

In fact, the OnTreeGridToggleItemExpandedState() method is currently used by the CExtTreeGridWnd class internally only and only in the case when a tree row should toggle its expanded state. We think we should update the documentation or improve this method. This is not the only duplicated virtual method in Prof-UIS and we think the several ways of catching similar events is not a problem. You simply catch different particular events on the different layers.

Offer Har Apr 10, 2008 - 11:05 AM

This is from the help file of 2.82:


ItemExpand: Expands or collapses the list of child items, if any, associated with the specified parent item.


OnTreeGridToggleItemExpandedState: Called when a tree grid item is expanded or collapsed.


So, if I understand the help, the second function is an event firing, whereas the first one is a command to expand a node.


It is very unclear to me why the OnXXX is fired when I click with the mouse on a node, and not when I use the keyboeard - please explain to me what is the difference, and how your solution can solve the problem. All user method of expanding and collapsing a node should end in the same OnXXX function.