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Forums » Prof-UIS Tech Support » CExtToolControlBar Inside a CExtControlBar Possible? Collapse All
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Brett Cook Jan 24, 2007 - 11:34 AM

Dear Tech Support,

I have a CExtControlBar in which I am placing a CView. I would like to know if I can add a dockable toolbar to the CExtControlBar that contains the CView. If not a dockable toolbar, how about just a static toobar or even a menu that’s unique to that view/bar?


Technical Support Jan 24, 2007 - 1:35 PM

It is possible to create a CFrameWnd window as a child of a CExtControlBar window. This frame would contain everything what the frame window can contain. But we think it is not a good idea to create a re-dockable control bars inside a resizable control bar. If some of inner bars are floating and the bar goes into the hidden/auto-hidden state, the inner bars will be in the lost state. Besides, the UI part implemented inside one control bar is only part of the entire UI implemented in the main frame window. The dockable bars should not be used in a very particular and small UI parts.

We would recommend you follow the design of Visual Studio .NET / Visual Studio 2005 where you can see a lot of static toolbars created inside dockable control bars. You can use source code of any control bar with a static toolbar inside implemented in the ProfStudio sample as a startup version of your dockable view window. Generally you need to create a CWnd-based container window as the child of the CExtControlBar window. The CWnd-based container window that has both a child toolbar and a view window and it will perform the CWnd::RepositionBars()-based layout calculation at creation time and when handling the WM_SIZE message.