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Forums » Prof-UIS Tech Support » CExtToolControlBar and the input focus Collapse All
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Roger Taplin Apr 6, 2006 - 9:14 PM

CExtToolControlBar and its child controls don’t seem to manage the input focus correctly.

For example, when I create a text formatting toolbar with font name and font size combobox child controls (as in your Style Editor example), selecting a font name or a font size captures and fails to restore the input focus from whatever previously had it (eg. the current view).

The expected mode of behaviour is that a focus child window retains the (apparent) focus during a selection and restores it after a toolbar selection is made.

Colour selection buttons perform as expected when their parent toolbar is docked, but not when it is floating. I’ve yet to check whether other buttons behave similarly.

The Style Editor example fails to reveal this limitation because its view is passive.

I’m preparing a work-around for this problem in my application, but it is a poor substitute for correct behaviour.

Can you suggest a way in which I can have CExtToolControlBar ensure that its child controls restore the input focus without my altering the CExtToolControlBar source code?

Roger Taplin Apr 6, 2006 - 10:55 PM

Sorry. My mistake. Your CExtToolControlBar manages restoration of input focus correctly. I overlooked some of my code in a child window WM_KILLFOCUS handler.