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Forums » Prof-UIS Tech Support » CExtTabPageContainerWnd Collapse All
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William Keadey Mar 15, 2005 - 11:28 AM

I have a CExtResizableDialog with a CExtTabPageContainerWnd and several CListCtrls that are added as pages to the CExtTabPageContainerWnd . 

My problem is that I no longer receive left button messages for the CListCtrl in my dialog class.  When I don’t insert the CListCtrl into the CExtTabPageContainerWnd, the messages are received by the dialog.

I can capture the messages in the actual CListCtrl by deriving a class, but this will not work for what I’m trying to do.

Technical Support Mar 16, 2005 - 7:49 AM

We successfully use the list view control in child dialog pages of the tab page container control in our custom projects. The dialog window is used for handling several LVN_*** messages sent via the WM_NOTIFY windows message. We also do this by using a CListCtrl-derived class to intercept all user input including that dealing with the mouse. We have encountered any difficulties when using the described above techniques and never had any problems with undelivered messages. Please provide us with more details about your source code. Which windows messages are not delivered and where exactly do you try to handle them?

William Keadey Mar 16, 2005 - 9:37 AM

I have an example that I put together to demonstrate the problem.  I’m new to Prof-uis so I’m sure I just missing a step somewhere.

Where can I send my exmaple to have you look at it?