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Forums » Prof-UIS Tech Support » CExtTabMdiWnd User Tab Reordering Collapse All
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David Baginski Aug 3, 2004 - 11:35 AM

How would one provide an option that allows users to reorder the MDI tabs for all open documents.  I would image you need to change the z-order of the windows with the SetWindowPos API.  Would the tab control update to reflect the changed z-order?  Is there a better method for accomplishing this?

I’d like to see a drop and drop interface added to the tab control that allows the user to reorder tabs graphically (simliar to Avant and Maxthon browsers).

Technical Support Aug 5, 2004 - 9:36 AM

The CExtTabMdiWnd class hooks the MDI client window, main and active child frame windows to synchronize tab items with a set of MDI child frames. This control is based on WM_MDI*** messages. So, just to change the window order is not enough to automatically update tab windows. Besides, the tab window does not provide a ready-to-use drag-and-drop mechanism. It just provides virtual methods for implementing drag-and-drop in user-defined tab windows.

We could treat your task as a feature request for the future or as a custom development issue.