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Forums » Prof-UIS Tech Support » CExtReportGridWnd proportional column widths and header removal Collapse All
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Michael Clapp Jul 24, 2007 - 11:27 AM

I am using a CExtReportGridWnd..

1) I am setting up a 2 column grid, but I can’t seem to get the column widths to be 25% and 75% (the displayed grid is more like 95% and 5%)
CExtReportGridColumn* columns[2]={
m_grid.ReportColumnRegister(_T("Color"), _T("Category")),
m_grid.ReportColumnRegister(_T("Survey Line"), _T("Category"))};


columns[0]->ExtentPercentSet(0.25) ;
columns[1]->ExtentPercentSet(0.75) ;

2) Is there a way to remove the column headers so that just the data cells are displayed?

Suhai Gyorgy Jul 24, 2007 - 12:07 PM

Reading your requirements, it seems you are disabling every feature that makes CExtReportGridWnd better than CExtGridWnd. So my guess is you should use CExtGridWnd instead. Then you can use CExtGridWnd::OuterRowCountTopSet(0) to have no column header.

For proportional column widths, what you wrote should work, but I’d try ExtentSet(25) and ExtentSet(75) (needs testing, just a guess)