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Forums » Prof-UIS Tech Support » CExtReportGridWnd in virtual mode Collapse All
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Eric Houvenaghel Sep 21, 2006 - 11:30 AM

Is there a way to make CExtReportGridWnd in virtual mode?
CExtReportGridWnd is very slow with a large amount a data and I need the grouping functionality.
The problem is that the date provider of CExtReportGridWnd does not derive from CExtGridDataProviderRecordset which contains all the functionality for virtual mode.

Technical Support Sep 22, 2006 - 12:37 PM

The report grid differs from the plain grid in two key features: inactive columns and row grouping. The virtual mode means data rows are provided from some external sub system like a database recordset. The database APIs like that of ADO does not provide the feature of row grouping. We are aware of only one API that provides row grouping in the virtual mode for entire row range: it is a set of COM interfaces provided by MAPI for browsing folder content (used in MS Outlook). It is hardly possible to have both row grouping and virtual mode. The Elegant Grid for .NET and other grids that support row grouping build trees manually in a similar way as it is done Prof-UIS. So, we recommend you use the plain grid for fast access to a large number of data rows.