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Forums » Prof-UIS Tech Support » CExtReportGridWnd Collapse All
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David Skok Aug 10, 2006 - 6:50 AM

How can I keep track of cell sorting in CExtReportGridWnd. OnDataProviderSwapSeries is not called for this class during sort. When data changes externally I need to be able to find the cell that displays that data and update it.


Technical Support Aug 10, 2006 - 8:29 AM

The sorting/grouping algorithm for the report grid is written from scratch and not based on the sorting implemented in the plain grid window. You don’t have to keep tracking cell positions at all because this is irrelevant for the report grid. Each row in the report grid can be accessed with a CExtReportGridItem pointer. This class is a kind of grid cell invisible in the grid’s client area for the user. It is used for organizing the tree data structure during sorting and grouping. A pointer to the CExtReportGridItem object can be perceived as a handle to the report grid item or tree row even if there are no grouping rules applied. The parent object of a particular report grid item can be changed during resorting/regrouping but the CExtReportGridItem pointer itself is persistent and can be used for accessing any cell in the row by invoking the CExtReportGridWnd::ReportItemGetCell() method.