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Forums » Prof-UIS Tech Support » CExtRadioButton's behavior Collapse All
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jb lee Sep 25, 2006 - 12:48 AM


In making a dialog, where 3 groups of radio buttons.
So, I made each first button’s attribute as GROUP.
On the test dialog(VC 6 IDE-> Tools->Test ), the buttons works well.
But, after I add control variable for each Grouped buttons(CExtRadioButton), the resulting dialog(at run time) is not that I wanted.
: 1st, the last item in the group is not displayed correctly(Not CExtRadioButton, but, CButton is applied).
: 2nd, the first and the last item in each group are selected both.

I’m using VC6 and the library version is 2.54.

Best regards,


Technical Support Sep 26, 2006 - 3:29 AM

Please use the corresponding Prof-UIS classes: CExtCheckBox for check boxes, CExtRadioButton for radio buttons, CExtGroupBox for group boxes, and CExtLabel for static text controls. Unlike those available in MFC, these classes are fully consistent with the Office 2003 and VS 2005 themes and include some additional features.
Please also note if you put controls, including group boxes, onto a dialog template, make sure they are assigned the proper tab order. Since the Prof-UIS group box has a non-transparent background, the tab order is essential. Windows paints controls on the dialog step by step starting from the control with the highest tab order number to the control with the lowest number. So, ensure your group box is assigned the highest tab order number.