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Forums » Prof-UIS Tech Support » CExtMDITabWnd Collapse All
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Daryl McMasters Aug 13, 2003 - 9:45 PM

I’m having a great time with this product. It is the best investment I have made all year. The Tabbed MDI windows was my main reason for the purchase and I’m a little disappointed with it’s fuction. There is a lot of flicker on the tab control as well as extensive repainting going on as you click trough the tabs of open windows. Most notably is the ’RESTORED’ MDI Child frame flashing in the middle as you tab through the control. This happens even in your ProfStudio and Full Screen Demos. Is there somthing that can be done?
P.S. with just a couple lines of code I have turned the Tool Tips Windows into Multi-Line "Hover Help"(c). My users love it!!.

Technical Support Aug 13, 2003 - 10:49 PM

Dear Daryl,

We can not confirm the MDI tab window flicker bug (CExtTabMdiWnd class). But we can confirm the fact of MDI child frame flicker effect when switching between maximized MDI child frames. This bug occurs only on Windows XP and never on any other release versions of Windows OS. This is the bug of the standard MDI client window (a window which is parent of MDI child frames). You can see this bug on VC++ 6.0, Microsoft Photo Editor tool (a part of MS Office XP). This bug appears in any program which is based on the standard MDI interface. If you using Visual Studio .NET (2002 or 2003), you can invoke menu "Tools/Options", then select the "Environment/General" tree item and check the "MDI environment" radio button in the "Settings" page. After restarting Visual Studio .NET will use the standard MDI interface instead of its default "Tabbed documents" interface. If you open two (or more) maximized documents and try to switch between them via "Window" menu - you will see the discussed flicker effect which looks like quick window restoring and maximizing. You will see more ugly flicker effect if you try to jump between maximized windows using Ctrl+Tab keys. I’m not sure about necessity of fixing this problem via MDI client window hooks (subclassing its functionality). An alternative way is using of SDI frame window withing injected tab control which should fake the always maximized documents like Visual Studio .NET does. If this problem is critical for you - we can discuss detailed requirements of your project(s) and find an appropriate solution.
It will be very interesting to see a screen short of your tooltips (or sample program).