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Forums » Prof-UIS Tech Support » CExtLabel with bitmap not drawing correctly Collapse All
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Ian McIntosh Jul 9, 2007 - 6:02 AM

I have a CExtLabel that is used to display a bitmap on a dialog derived from CExtResizableDialog.
The bitmap is set using SetBitmap().
It displays correctly until the dialog is resized. When resized, all other controls are drawn but the bitmap is not.
The same happens if the dialog is minimised & restored, or hidden by another app then brought to the front.

Ian McIntosh Jul 9, 2007 - 9:32 AM

The CExtLabel is not on a group box, and also has a tab order number of 1.

Technical Support Jul 9, 2007 - 10:09 AM

Would you reproduce this problem using one of the Prof-UIS samples? By the way, why do not use CStatic instead of CExtLabel if you show a bitmap only?

Technical Support Jul 9, 2007 - 9:22 AM

The problem may be that you are using a group box on the dialog and the tab order for the controls inside the group box is not correct. You can read more about this in the following FAQ article:

I use CExtGroupBox and a set of controls. Some controls are not painted correctly, what may be wrong?