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Forums » Prof-UIS Tech Support » CExtDateTimeWnd Collapse All
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Eddie Judson Jul 9, 2005 - 8:03 PM

While upgrading my application grid to use prof-uis I used to use a
CDateTimeCtrl  m_OLDdtPicker;
I changed it over to
CExtDateTimeWnd m_dtPicker;

When I inistialise my grid the old picker worked fine with
  RECT rcMin;
  this-> m_OLDdtPicker.Create( WS_CHILD | WS_VISIBLE |  MCS_NOTODAY,rcMin,this,IDC_GRIDCAL);

But when I upgrade it to

  RECT rcMin;


0x56010000 = the same style that is in the sample application

the CExtDateTimeWnd fails on the create method, stepping into the create method it failes on

HWND hWnd = ::CreateWindowEx(cs.dwExStyle, cs.lpszClass,
   cs.lpszName,, cs.x, cs.y,,,
   cs.hwndParent, cs.hMenu, cs.hInstance, cs.lpCreateParams);

With paramaters

 cs.dwExStyle 0 unsigned long
+ cs.lpszClass 0x00bcceac "ProfUIS-DurationWnd" const char *
+ cs.lpszName 0x00000000 <Bad Ptr> const char * 1442906112 long
 cs.x 0 int
 cs.y 0 int 120 int 18 int
+ cs.hwndParent 0x00060fce {unused=??? } HWND__ *
+ cs.hMenu 0x00000349 {unused=??? } HMENU__ *
+ cs.hInstance 0x00400000 {unused=9460301 } HINSTANCE__ *
 cs.lpCreateParams 0x00000000 void *

Thanks for the help!

Technical Support Jul 11, 2005 - 8:27 AM

Thank you for the bug report. We fixed it and sent you the updated code by e-mail.

If someone else encounters this problem and does not want to wait for the next release, they can fix this bug themselves:

1. At the end of the CExtDurationWnd::Create method, insert a call to the UpdateDurationWnd( false ) method:
bool CExtDurationWnd::Create(

    CWnd * pParentWnd,

    const RECT & rcWnd,

    UINT nDlgCtrlID,

    DWORD dwWindowStyle,

    CCreateContext * pContext



    ASSERT_VALID( this );




    m_bInitialized = true;

    UpdateDurationWnd( false );

    return true;

2. Modify the CExtDurationWnd::UpdateDurationWnd method in this way:
void CExtDurationWnd::UpdateDurationWnd(

    bool bUpdate // = false



    ASSERT_VALID( this );

    if(     GetSafeHwnd() == NULL

        ||  ( ! ::IsWindow( m_hWnd ) )

        ||  ( !m_bInitialized )



    _RecalcDuration(); // should be before _RecalcLayout() !!!





    if(     bUpdate

        &&  (GetStyle() & WS_VISIBLE) != 0



3. Recompile the library.

Eddie Judson Jul 12, 2005 - 8:43 AM

Thanks that fixed it, but I have a new problem I am linking against ProfUIS240smd.lib and when I call

the linker is reporting error:

unresolved external symbol public: int __thiscall CExtDateTimeWnd::SetDate(int,int,int)

if I remove the AFX_INLINE statement before the method declaration and recomplie the library it seems to work fine.  Do I need the AFX_INLINE statement before the declaration or is it ok to remove it?

Technical Support Jul 12, 2005 - 10:35 AM

MFC’s AFX_INLINE declaration is just a C++ inline statement. It typically saves the overhead on function calls (including parameter passing and placing the object’s address on the stack). You can freely remove this statement without any troubles, but we think that you should just rebuild the library, because you problem may be caused by mismatches in the OBJ module between the CExtDateTimeWnd header and source files.