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Forums » Prof-UIS Tech Support » CExtControlBar with CExtPropertyGrid in multiframe application problem Collapse All
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George Ross Nov 30, 2005 - 11:27 AM


My Application has two user interfaces it is sdi, the first interface is a TAB and the second is multiframe. Each view is opened in a new CMainFrame.

When in TAB GUI the CExtControlBar with the CExtPropertyGrid inside it works fine (since there is just a MainFrame window).

When in multiframe then CExtcontrolbar is corrupted opens like it has been transparent and is overwritten by the view in the mainframe.

From what i can see the problem is with the CExtControlBar and not with the PropertyGrid




Technical Support Dec 1, 2005 - 7:14 AM

Yes, you can use Prof-UIS in the multi-frame application but please check the following issue: there must be only one instance of Prof-UIS menu bar (the CExtMenuControlBar class) in the scope of one command profile in the command manager. This means each top-level frame in your application should initialize its own command profile in the command manager using its unique profile name. You can rename the command profile before/after loading/saving the command manager and control bar states. This will make all your top-level frames use the same single registry location for the state persistence. So, you need to invoke the g_CmdManager->ProfileSetup() code in the frame’s OnCreate() method and specify a unique profile name which can be formatted using some global counter or frame’s this pointer value and %p string format flag (see MSDN for printf or CString::Format() functions). You can rename a profile with g_CmdManager->ProfileRename().