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Forums » Prof-UIS Tech Support » CExtControl request Collapse All
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Logan Mueller Oct 22, 2003 - 1:35 PM

I am converting all my resizable control bars over to CExtControl, but have run into problem. They are using multiple controls, and therefore the ASSERT fails in OnRepositionSingleChild().

It looks like I can set m_bReposSingleChildMode to FALSE to avoid the algorithm, but the member variable is private.

I assume from this that I’m supposed to use the Prof-UIS resizable dialog and place all my controls on top of that, but I already have all that coded with my own resizable control bar class and migrating all this is going to take me a couple of hours just to convert one of my 10 control bars.

If I add a member function to set the m_bReposSingleChildMode property to false, I get around the ASSERT. Can you guys add this in the next version, or maybe instead of ASSERTing, could it be changed to check and see if there is only one child window. If so, resize, otherwise skip algorithm.

Maybe I’m missing the concept but this would seem better because it would function the same way with Prof-UIS and support multiple controls on the control bar. Only a small suggestion. I like the framework though.

Technical Support Oct 23, 2003 - 3:32 AM

Dear Logan,

By default, the resizable bar you are talking about comprises only one child window. This is essential for implementing the auto-hide mode in which that child window is temporarily moved into the slider window. We suggest you use the resizable dialog for implementing the child window, which is very handy in most cases.