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John Ritzenthaler
Jan 29, 2009 - 9:23 AM
I’m setting CExtBarColorButton::SetSeparatedDropDown to false but the color button still appears with the drop-down arrow. In my application the color button ALWAYS displays the color of the selected item so I don’t need an "apply" mode as opposed to a "select" mode. How can I get rid of the separated drop down?
Technical Support
Jan 29, 2009 - 12:45 PM
This issue cannot be reproduced with the ProfUIS_Controls sample application where you can change split-button mode for several buttons including color buttons on-the-fly.
John Ritzenthaler
Jan 29, 2009 - 3:39 PM
You’re right, it works in that example - but that’s a button, not a toolbar button. And all it does is show/hide the separator line. I was trying to get rid of the drop down part all together. In the toolbar button, it doesn’t even seem to show/hide the separator line. I decided to do the whole thing a different way so you can drop this as far as I’m concerned. Thanks