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Forums » Prof-UIS Tech Support » Cells of CExtGridWnd Collapse All
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Simon DESEE Mar 5, 2006 - 12:38 PM

Hello all,

How can I do the following grid ?

| My cell "title" |
| Cell one | Cell two | Cell three |
| Cell one | Cell two | Cell three |
| My cell "title" |
| Cell one | Cell two | Cell three |



Technical Support Mar 6, 2006 - 6:54 AM

The CExtGridWnd class implements a generic grid window with a fixed structure of columns and rows. It is not possible to make some cells cover the area of neighborhood cells. Such an effect is coded in the property grid control where the property category cells are stretched to cover two columns. The solution is based on the CExtGridWnd::OnGbwAdjustRects() virtual method which allows you to modify the rectangular area of grid cells and implemented in the CExtPropertyGridWnd class.

Simon DESEE Mar 24, 2006 - 1:31 AM


I’ve created a derived class from CExtGridCell (CGridCellCategory) and overridden the CExtGridWnd::OnGbwAdjustRects method. But I can’t resize my cell on the full row size.

Does the newer version 2.53 permit it ?

When sorting is active on a column (the first), how can I limit the sorting action to all the rows but the CGridCellCategory row ? ( I want the CGridCellCategory row to stay at the bottom of the grid.)

Could you send me a sample ?

Thanks a lot.

Technical Support Mar 24, 2006 - 12:34 PM

Stretching the grid cell area outside the row/column area is a tricky technique which is used only in two classes: CExtPropertyGridWnd and CExtReportGridWnd. The tree grid window inside the property grid control (the CExtPropertyGridWnd class) does not perform any sorting. The CExtReportGridWnd class performs its own sorting and/or grouping internally. So, your task is very specific and we need much more information about it. Besides, although it is completely feasible, it may go far beyond the tech support services we provide and may be regarded as a custom work.