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Forums » Prof-UIS Tech Support » Buttons in dialog bars are black on XP Collapse All
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Olaf Baeyens Jan 13, 2003 - 7:50 AM

I am creating a dialog CMaterialDlg class inherited
from CExtResizableDialog.

Then in CMainFrame I define this.

    CExtWRB<CMaterialDlg>            m_wndDockedResizableModelDialog;

But when I show the dialog alle gets painted exept the buttons. It appears that a WM_PAINT for the button is missing, because if I click on it the the button gets correctly painted.

This problem exists only on Windows XP and works fine on Windows 2000.

Also, if I have 2 buttons on this dialog then both are black. If I click one then this one gets painted, and if I then click on the other that one gets painted but the other is black again...

Anyone have some ideas how to fix this?

olaf Baeyens Jan 15, 2003 - 3:32 AM

It seems that some paint commands are lost to paint the dialog bars when running on Windows XP.

Also when I have multiple control bars in one control bar (tabs), sometimes I see the painting occur multiple times.