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Forums » Prof-UIS Tech Support » built in ComboBox in Customization Collapse All
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Stephan Finkler May 13, 2005 - 6:48 AM

I’ve got an built in ComboBox in a toolbar.
The project is a MDI Doc/View.

How can I fill the combobox with data from the doc/view?
How can I tell the doc/view which item the user has selected in the combobox?

I tried to something like that:

CFrameWnd* pActiveFrame = GetActiveFrame( );
if (pActiveFrame != NULL) {
CDocument *pActiveDoc = pActiveFrame->GetActiveDocument();

     wndListBox.AddString(pActiveDoc->GetString() );

In OnTextFieldInplaceTextSet

Is there a better way or have you got a sample for that?

Thanks for any advice.

Technical Support May 13, 2005 - 8:04 AM

You initialize a built-in combo box correctly. Although design of the built-in combo box is a bit complicated, it allows your users to have multiple copies of a particular combo box. This design is essential for the customization system.