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Forums » Prof-UIS Tech Support » Building Libraries Collapse All
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Hristo Inkiov Feb 28, 2006 - 12:43 PM

Hello, I’m using the Integration Wizard and when the Library building begins the process it never ends and occassionally appears an error for a file being read-only. After a check none of these files are read-only. In the end I have to kill the process in order to terminate the Integration Wizard.
Without having the libraries built I receive error for not finding prof-uis library when I try to build my project.
Please help!

Technical Support Mar 1, 2006 - 3:07 AM

This problem with the integration wizard sometimes occurs on some machines and it may happen with any version of Visual Studio. We will fix this issue in the next major release. Here is how you can resolve this problem now :
- remove all the .NCB files in Prof-UIS folder and compile the library with the wizard again;
- OR open the ProfUIS_600.dsw/ ProfUIS_700.sln/ ProfUIS_710.sln/ ProfUIS_800_x64.sln file depending on which VS you are using, open the Batch Build dialog, and compile profuisdll and/or profuislib projects directly in Visual Studio.