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Bill Olson
Jul 11, 2013 - 11:12 PM
In the CExtShellDialogBrowseFor dialog, if you have the edit control on, the edit control is never updated when you select a directory in the tree. I did a quick and dirty fix for the flags I’m using, but it probably needs to show different things depending on the flags selected. Bill
Bill Olson
Jul 11, 2013 - 11:18 PM
I forgot to add another issue I found was with CExtShellDialogBrowseFor::OnExtBffMakeNewFolder() I had to comment out the following lines: if( ! pData->m_pidlAbsolute.IsFolder() )
return; The code returns at this point if you are editing the path string and the string never gets updated. So there are 2 bugs found. Bill