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Jeremy Richards
Sep 29, 2008 - 10:04 AM
I just started replacing some of my CTabCtrls with CExtTabPageContainerWnds. While I do think the page container functionality is more intuitive than the truely bizarre CTabCtrl (and underlying Windows Common control) behavior, I find that I really miss the borders offered by the Windows control. I am aware that CExtTabPageContainerWnd is written from the ground up and is not related to CTabCtrl. However, the bordres would really be nice. Is it possible to display a border (around the child pages) similar to the CTabCtrl? If so, how? If not, can this be a feature request?
Technical Support
Oct 6, 2008 - 1:08 PM
You can apply the WS_EX_STATICEDGE window style for your tab page container window. m_wndTabPageContainer.ModifyStyleEx( 0, WS_EX_STATICEDGE );
UINT nSetWindowPosFlags =
m_wndTabPageContainer.SetWindowPos(NULL,0,0,0,0,nSetWindowPosFlags); You can see how it is done in the ProfUIS_Controls sample on the "Tab Containers" page when you click the "Show borders" check box.
Offer Har
Oct 7, 2008 - 8:59 AM
The frame should be around the contained dialog/control and not the tab. This solution doe not work. Please look at all modern tabs - the contained contained window is somehow linked to the tab control.
Technical Support
Oct 8, 2008 - 2:30 PM
Would you send us two screen shots :
1) Some modern tabs without any problems.
2) Our tabs in your application that causes problems.
Offer Har
Oct 8, 2008 - 2:38 PM
Here are two samples: 

I can send yo more if you want...
Offer Har
Sep 30, 2008 - 9:27 AM
Dear Support and Jeremy, This is something am asking for a long time now - I think that if you embed a dialog inside a tab container there must be some kind of a frame to show that the dialog is related to the tab container. Please try and add this feature to the next version. Thanks, Ron.