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tera tera
Jan 29, 2009 - 3:28 AM
Hello. When even if there was a focus to a docking bar, mouse cursor deviated from the red area,
I want to do AutoHide of a bar.
Technical Support
Jan 29, 2009 - 12:45 PM
You should run a timer in the window created inside a control bar. If the bar is in the auto hide mode, then its child window is moved into CExtDynAutoHideSlider window. I.e. invoking child’s CWnd::GetParent() method will return pointer to the CExtDynAutoHideSlider window - not to the CExtControlBar window. You can simply send the WM_CANCELMODE message to the CExtDynAutoHideSlider window for hiding it.
Jeremy Richards
Jan 29, 2009 - 7:48 AM
It the question how to force the hide or to detect when do perform the hide? You can detect when to perform the hide easily enough with either WM_MOUSELEAVE, or a timer which periodically calls GetCursorPos(). As to how to force the window to hide, I am not sure. I think it is described in the documentation somewhere. You may need to move the focus first.