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tera tera
Dec 18, 2009 - 1:29 AM
Hello. Where will this line of popup control it?
I want to change a line of popup. I want an answer immediately.
Give my best regards 
Technical Support
Dec 22, 2009 - 5:22 AM
tera tera
Dec 20, 2009 - 5:32 PM
Please teach a method to change the rank of a displayed title for PopupMenu 
Technical Support
Dec 18, 2009 - 11:11 AM
The red arrow on the screen shot in your message points to the resizing separator of the Resizable Bar 3 control bar. This separator is the control bar border implemented as part of bar’s non-client area. This part of bar is absolutely not related to popup menu and does not affect to any popup menus.
Looking from the other side, the red arrow points to the top border of the view area. The main view window always have the AFX_IDW_PANE_FIRST dialog control identifier. This means you can invoke the pMainFrame->GetDlgItem( AFX_IDW_PANE_FIRST ) code to get the main view window. This is some view window in SDI. This is always the MDI client area window in MDI. You can get window/client rectangle of the main view window if you know its CWnd* pointer or HWND handle. If your application uses some specific delayed initialization or re-creates the main view window at run time, then the described method cannot be used for querying location of the main view window and you should use the CWnd::RepositionBars() API with the CWnd::reposQuery parameter to get the view rectangle.
Is that what you want to know? If not, then please provide us with more details.