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Forums » Prof-UIS Tech Support » Application not displayed when restored Collapse All
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Offer Har Nov 13, 2008 - 5:27 AM


I have an application that is maximzied - when I try to double-click the title-bar to move it to restored mode, it is not displayed at all. The only way to show it back is by right-click it in the task-bar and maximize it again.

Any ideas? have you seen this bug before?


Technical Support Nov 17, 2008 - 1:44 PM

The state of the main frame window is restored with the state of control bars. This performed by the CExtControlBar::ProfileBarStateLoad() static method or the CExtControlBar::ProfileBarStateLoad() static method if you are using the CArchive-based state persistence. These methods have a WINDOWPLACEMENT* pointer parameter. If this parameter is NULL, the main frame’s window state is not loaded and only the state of control bars becomes restored.

Technical Support Nov 13, 2008 - 1:28 PM

Which application is discussed in your message? We are unable to do the same with any of our sample projects and we never received similar issue reports. You can send the source code of the UI-related part of your project and we will try to clarify what’s wrong.

Offer Har Nov 17, 2008 - 9:57 AM

I forgot to mention that this happen in dual-view mode.

What part of application is responsible for that?

is the restored state saved as part of the UI state?