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howard liu
Aug 14, 2008 - 2:03 PM
Hi, Is there any specific prof-ui API for insertion of dynamic menu item in CExtMenuPopupWindow We tried to insert using MFC API insert menu item & delete menu item to perform some dynamic updations in the drop down and popup menu Thanks, Howard
Technical Support
Aug 15, 2008 - 3:27 PM
The CExtPopupMenuWnd::ItemInsert() method inserts a menu item based on the command manager or menu separator item or classic menu popup item. The CExtPopupMenuWnd::ItemInsertCommand() method inserts a menu command item which is not based on the command manager. The CExtPopupMenuWnd::InsertSpecPopup() method can be used for inserting any Prof-UIS specific advanced sub menu: color picker menu, undo-redo menu, date picker menu, list box menu or any your custom popup menu object. The CExtPopupMenuWnd::g_nMsgPrepareOneMenuLevel() registered message is sent by all the popup menus at any level before menu window appear on the screen. You can handle this message like demonstrated in our sample applications (ProfUIS_Controls for example) and implement dynamic menu construction.