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Forums » Prof-UIS Tech Support » Another question about cell.. Collapse All
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Paolo Giustinoni Jan 3, 2006 - 5:36 AM

I’m here with a one million dollar question...

Recently I posted in General Forum if there is the possibility to insert a dialog box in a cell, because I need to simulate the "continuous form" that we can found in Access.. I made it with a Grid control founded on, but now I wish to implement it with your grid control, that is more robust and looking better..

How can I do it?

Thanks in advance.


Technical Support Jan 7, 2006 - 10:08 AM

OK, we would try to do this for you but we wonder whether you are satisfied with the quality of dialogs inside the grid window you saw on the codeproject?

We can really inject persistent HWND elements like dialogs into our grid window, but in any case they will produce some bad effects like a bit delayed repositioning during scrolling and etc.

Paolo Giustinoni Jan 7, 2006 - 12:10 PM

Sorry for my question...

I face some problems with the project I’m doing now, and my goal was to, as I said, simulate the Access-like "continuous form".
 The grid I saw on codeproject satisfied me, but whereas there was no cell coded to accomodate a dialog box, I coded a cell for this purpose (the code is not so clean or perfect, but is quite accettable, specially for tmy customers’ needs, and it works).
The project is still under development, and I haven’t so much time to code a cell whit this behaviour; my question was intended to ask you if you faced yet this problem and was resolved, or if this was a completely new problem..
If this solution requires too much effort, no problems; I’ll continue this project with your grid and cells, and I’ll find another method to simulate the behaviour required; in any case I’ll plan to code a "dialog-cell" in the early future.


Technical Support Jan 8, 2006 - 11:33 AM

The form editor and report editor windows are very similar to each other in MS Access. Both of them are not a kind of grid window. They are form editors written from scratch. The FormEditor sample application implements the simplest possible dialog editor which is something close to the editor of one band in the form or report of MS Access.

In some particular applications it’s possible to replace such kind of forms or reports with the grid window. We think our grid is ready for this task because it has a set of cell classes for most of cases. The dialog cell idea is not correct because the dialog window eats at least one window handle. There must not exist any per-cell window handles in any kind of the grid control. The cell may "eat" window handle(s) only when the in-place cell editing control is activated. Could you and we together try to review your form/grid design and reinterpret each dialog as a set of cells in one or more grid rows?

Paolo Giustinoni Jan 8, 2006 - 1:56 PM

Can I send you an image that show actual behaviour of my "dialog-cell", so we can have a common starting point to discuss this problem?

Technical Support Jan 9, 2006 - 6:49 AM

Please send the image to