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Forums » Prof-UIS Tech Support » Another CTreeView in CExtControlBar problem Collapse All
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Jacquie Howard Jun 1, 2004 - 10:04 AM


This is I think maybe another bad parenting problem!

I have a CTreeView in a CExtControlBar which now behaves perfectly whether I have it docked or floating except when I quit and restart the application with the bar floating.

If I quit with the bar floating when I restart it seems to forget it’s a tree and although the rows are filled correctly the expansion boxes and lines are missing and they don’t appear until I restart with the bar docked.

A similar thing happens with my CListView in a CExtControlBar.  On restarting with the bar floating nothing actually appears in the list although the scroll bars act as if the list is being filled.

The code knows where the window is it just seems to not know what kind of window it is.

Any ideas?



Technical Support Jun 3, 2004 - 1:37 AM

Dear Jacquie,

We used the tree control and list view control as child windows of the resizable bar and did not have any problems with repainting. Could you let us take a look at your source code?

Jacquie Howard Jul 22, 2004 - 3:01 PM


I have been concentrating on other stuff for a while, but have now revisited this problem with a fresh mind and as usual my problem was nothing to do with the Prof-UIS code.

For some reason some of the initialization code for both my CTreeView and CListView was being done in OnInitialUpdate which of course was never being called when those controls were floating on startup.

Now that I have transferred all that code to the respective OnCreate methods all is working well.

