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Forums » Prof-UIS Tech Support » ALT GR key; special characters; StateSetCombo; ComboBox; Collapse All
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Stephan Finkler Jan 27, 2006 - 2:24 AM

I’ve got a CmdItem in the toolbar with a combo state
(like StyleEditor sample ID_SE_FONT_LIST).

If I press the ALT GR key (German Keyboard)
the combobox looses the focus. So it is impossible to insert
special characters e.g. Euro symbol

Any idea?

Technical Support Jan 27, 2006 - 10:31 AM

There are two things that need to be discussed about the in-place active editor in the built in combo box button. Both can be demonstrated with the StyleEditor sample application.

1) We cannot confirm that there is a problem when pressing the left or right ALT key in the editor. It works exactly like in MS Office applications. The WM_SYSKEYDOWN with VK_MENU key code specified does not destroy the editor. The corresponding WM_SYSKEYUP activates the menu bar.

2) The in-place editor does not allow you to type characters using the code input as you did. This bug can be fixed by updating the source code for the CExtBarTextFieldButton::CInPlaceEditWnd::PreTranslateMessage() and CExtBarTextFieldButton::CInPlaceEditWnd::WindowProc() methods in ExtPopupCtrlMenu.cpp file:

BOOL CExtBarTextFieldButton::CInPlaceEditWnd::PreTranslateMessage( MSG * pMsg )
    ASSERT_VALID( m_pBar );
    if( ! _IsValidState() )
        return CEdit::PreTranslateMessage( pMsg );
    if( !m_bCanceling )
        if( pMsg->message == WM_KEYDOWN )
            bool bAlt =
                ( (::GetAsyncKeyState(VK_MENU)&0x8000) != 0 )
                    ? true : false;
            if( !bAlt )
                bool bCtrl =
                    ( (::GetAsyncKeyState(VK_CONTROL)&0x8000) != 0 )
                        ? true : false;
                bool bShift =
                    ( (::GetAsyncKeyState(VK_SHIFT)&0x8000) != 0 )
                        ? true : false;
                if(        bCtrl
                    &&    (!bShift)
                    &&    (    int(pMsg->wParam) == VK_INSERT
                        ||    int(pMsg->wParam) == int( _T(’C’) )
                    SendMessage( WM_COPY, 0, 0 );
                    return TRUE;
                if(        ( bCtrl && (!bShift) && int(pMsg->wParam) == int( _T(’V’) ) )
                    ||    ( (!bCtrl) && bShift && int(pMsg->wParam) == VK_INSERT )
                    SendMessage( WM_PASTE, 0, 0 );
                    return TRUE;
                if(        ( bCtrl && (!bShift) && int(pMsg->wParam) == int( _T(’X’) ) )
                    ||    ( (!bCtrl) && bShift && int(pMsg->wParam) == VK_DELETE )
                    SendMessage( WM_CUT, 0, 0 );
                    return TRUE;
                if(    bCtrl && (!bShift) && int(pMsg->wParam) == int( _T(’A’) ) ) 
                    SetSel( 0, -1 );
                    return TRUE;
            } // if( !bAlt )
        } // if( pMsg->message == WM_KEYDOWN )
        else if(
                pMsg->message == WM_LBUTTONDOWN
            ||    pMsg->message == WM_MBUTTONDOWN
            ||    pMsg->message == WM_RBUTTONDOWN
            if( pMsg->hwnd != m_hWnd )
                m_bCanceling = true;
                PostMessage( (WM_USER+0x666) );
    } // if( !m_bCanceling )
    // HASH Added START
    // (Allows single key accelerators)
    if(        (    pMsg->message == WM_KEYDOWN
            ||    pMsg->message == WM_CHAR
            ||    pMsg->message == WM_SYSKEYDOWN
            ||    pMsg->message == WM_SYSKEYUP
        &&    pMsg->hwnd == m_hWnd
        ::TranslateMessage( pMsg );
        ::DispatchMessage( pMsg );
        return TRUE;
    // HASH Added END
    return CEdit::PreTranslateMessage( pMsg );
LRESULT CExtBarTextFieldButton::CInPlaceEditWnd::WindowProc(
    UINT message,
    WPARAM wParam,
    LPARAM lParam
    ASSERT_VALID( m_pBar );
    if( ! _IsValidState() )
        return CEdit::WindowProc( message, wParam, lParam );
    if( m_pCbWndProc != NULL )
        LRESULT lResult = 0L;
        if( m_pCbWndProc(
            return lResult;
    } // if( m_pCbWndProc != NULL )
    if( !m_bCanceling )
        if(        CExtPopupMenuWnd::IsMenuTracking()
            ||    CExtControlBar::_DraggingGetBar() != NULL
            m_bCanceling = true;
            PostMessage( (WM_USER+0x666) );
    if( message == (WM_USER+0x666) )
        return 0;
    if( message == WM_NCCALCSIZE )
            reinterpret_cast < NCCALCSIZE_PARAMS * > ( lParam );
        ASSERT( pNCCSP != NULL );
        CRect rcInBarWnd( pNCCSP->rgrc[0] );
        rcInBarWnd.DeflateRect( 2, 2, 0, 2 );
        ::CopyRect( &(pNCCSP->rgrc[0]), rcInBarWnd );
        return 0;
    } // if( message == WM_NCCALCSIZE )
    if( message == WM_NCPAINT )
        CRect rcInBarWnd, rcInBarClient;
        GetWindowRect( &rcInBarWnd );
        GetClientRect( &rcInBarClient );
        ClientToScreen( &rcInBarClient );
        if( rcInBarWnd == rcInBarClient )
            return 0;
        CPoint ptDevOffset = -rcInBarWnd.TopLeft();
        rcInBarWnd.OffsetRect( ptDevOffset );
        rcInBarClient.OffsetRect( ptDevOffset );
        CWindowDC dc( this );
        ASSERT( dc.GetSafeHdc() != NULL );
        dc.ExcludeClipRect( &rcInBarClient );
            m_pBar->PmBridge_GetPM()->GetColor( COLOR_WINDOW, this )
        return 0;
    } // if( message == WM_NCPAINT )
    if( message == WM_GETDLGCODE )
    if(        message == WM_RBUTTONDOWN
        ||    message == WM_RBUTTONUP
        ||    message == WM_RBUTTONDBLCLK
        ||    message == WM_CONTEXTMENU
        return 0;
    if( message == WM_KEYDOWN )
        if(        int(wParam) == VK_MENU
            ||    int(wParam) == VK_ESCAPE
            return 0;
        if(        int(wParam) == VK_DOWN
            ||    int(wParam) == VK_UP
            ||    int(wParam) == VK_F4
            CExtBarTextFieldButton * pTextFieldTBB =
            if( pTextFieldTBB->IsComboTextField() )
                pTextFieldTBB->OnTrackPopup( CPoint(0,0), true, false );
                return 0;
        if( int(wParam) == VK_RETURN )
            ASSERT( m_pStr != NULL );
            CExtSafeString sText;
            int nTextLength = GetWindowTextLength();
            if( nTextLength > 0 )
                GetWindowText( sText.GetBuffer(nTextLength+2), nTextLength+1 );
            if( m_pCbVerifyTextInput != NULL )
                if(    m_pCbVerifyTextInput(
                        sText.IsEmpty() ? _T("") : sText,
                        sText.IsEmpty() ? _T("") : sText
                    *m_pStr = sText;
            } // if( m_pCbVerifyTextInput != NULL )
                *m_pStr = sText;
            return 0;
        bool bAlt =
            ( (::GetAsyncKeyState(VK_MENU)&0x8000) != 0 )
                ? true : false;
        if( bAlt )
            return 0;
        ASSERT( m_pStr != NULL );
        CString sTextOld;
        GetWindowText( sTextOld );
        DWORD dwSelSaved = CEdit::GetSel();
        CEdit::SetRedraw( FALSE );
        LRESULT lResult = CEdit::WindowProc( message, wParam, lParam );
        CString sTextNew;
        GetWindowText( sTextNew );
        if( m_pCbVerifyTextInput != NULL )
            if(    m_pCbVerifyTextInput(
                    sTextOld.IsEmpty() ? _T("") : (LPCTSTR)sTextOld,
                    sTextNew.IsEmpty() ? _T("") : (LPCTSTR)sTextNew
                *m_pStr = sTextNew;
                CEdit::SetSel( 0, -1 );
                CEdit::ReplaceSel( sTextOld );
                CEdit::SetSel( dwSelSaved );
        } // if( m_pCbVerifyTextInput != NULL )
            *m_pStr = sTextNew;
        CEdit::SetRedraw( TRUE );
        return lResult;
    } // if( message == WM_KEYDOWN )
    else if( message == WM_CHAR )
        ASSERT( m_pStr != NULL );
        CString sTextOld;
        GetWindowText( sTextOld );
        DWORD dwSelSaved = CEdit::GetSel();
        CEdit::SetRedraw( FALSE );
        LRESULT lResult = CEdit::WindowProc( message, wParam, lParam );
        CString sTextNew;
        GetWindowText( sTextNew );
        if( m_pCbVerifyTextInput != NULL )
            if(    m_pCbVerifyTextInput(
                    sTextOld.IsEmpty() ? _T("") : (LPCTSTR)sTextOld,
                    sTextNew.IsEmpty() ? _T("") : (LPCTSTR)sTextNew
                *m_pStr = sTextNew;
                CEdit::SetSel( 0, -1 );
                CEdit::ReplaceSel( sTextOld );
                CEdit::SetSel( dwSelSaved );
        } // if( m_pCbVerifyTextInput != NULL )
            *m_pStr = sTextNew;
        CEdit::SetRedraw( TRUE );
        return lResult;
    } // else if( message == WM_CHAR )
    else if( message == WM_KILLFOCUS || message == WM_CANCELMODE )
        return 0;
    } // else if( message == WM_KILLFOCUS || message == WM_CANCELMODE )
    return CEdit::WindowProc( message, wParam, lParam );