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Forums » Prof-UIS Tech Support » Adding / removing menu resources Collapse All
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Kishore Gagrani Dec 9, 2003 - 6:47 AM

I have an application that has customization enabled, and I was wondering how changes to my menus get propagated to the users of my app. I have a 1.0 version of my app that has customization, and in my 1.1 version I want change my menu resources (add some for a new feature, and remove some for a feature that changed). When I run the app, my newly added menu items don’t appear, which I assume is being caused by the customization feature reading in the old menu from the registry. I also get a bunch of asserts when I run in debug mode because the commands being read from the registry no longer exist in the app for the removed menu items. Is there any way I can get around these issues when I ship my new version, apart from clearing the user’s registry entries? Some Visual Studio plug-ins seem to clear the registry and I despise having to recreate all my menus and toolbars again.