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Forums » Prof-UIS Tech Support » Adding a Scrollbar as a button on a Toolbar Collapse All
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Daniel Tiedy Dec 8, 2003 - 3:41 PM

I reviewed adding an Edit control to a toolbar, and I understand how it all works and got my own control working great. I need to add a scrollbar to a toolbar as a button now. This scrollbar is used for scrubbing through an animation in a view. This seems to be quite different than the CExtBarTextFieldButton button for the CEdit in only created when the user clicks the button and I would think that the scrollbar would always be created. Do you have any examples that might be close to what I am trying to do?

Technical Support Dec 9, 2003 - 9:55 AM

Dear Daniel,

When in the customization mode, any command item can be dropped on any toolbar or menu. For this purpose, Prof-UIS supports text/combo fields directly. Of course, you can insert the scrollbar control to the CExtBarButton object and make it always visible, but it sends WM_HSCROLL/ WM_VSCROLL messages only to the toolbar it currently belongs to. This makes your task a bit complicated.

To provide you with a ready-to-use solution, we need your opinion. Would be a completely repainted slider-like or scrollbar-like toolbar button appropriate for you? If yes, we could code it and send it to you.

Daniel Tiedy Dec 9, 2003 - 11:17 AM

Yes a repainted scrollbar-like toolbar button would be great if the behavior works the same as if the scrollbar always existed. Thank you so much for your help. Your product is great and I suspect our users will enjoy the new UI features.

Technical Support Dec 11, 2003 - 2:11 AM

Dear Daniel,

The scroll-button is under construction now. We will send you e-mail a few days later.