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Forums » Prof-UIS Tech Support » add "category" to property item without actually using a category? Collapse All
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Krustys Donuts Aug 2, 2005 - 7:41 AM

Hi, I am working on another application where depending upon the combobox selection in a property value, a different set of properties should appear below. For example, the initial view may look like this:

+ Donut properties
  Type of donut: (combobox)

If the "type of donut" is changed to "glazed", I’d like the property grid control to look like this:
+ Donut properties
  Type of donut: Glazed
    Amount of glaze: (combobox)

and if the type is changed to "sprinkles":
+ Donut properties
  Type of donut: Sprinkles
    Number of sprinkles: (edit box)

Currently, it looks like the only way to do this is to add another category... I assumed this is the case because there’s an ASSERT(FALSE) in the method that would have allowed me to add a property item to another property item... it looks like you can only add items to a category.

Would it be possible to add this feature, or am I pretty much force to do something like this?
+ Donut properties
  Type of donut: Sprinkles
  + Sprinkle properties
    Number of sprinkles: (edit box)

Technical Support Aug 3, 2005 - 6:05 AM

This feature is already in our TO DO list. The next release of the property grid will allow you to use property values as parent items for other property values. This feature is essential for implementing compound property values like a point, size, rectangle, font and custom field set.