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Forums » Prof-UIS Tech Support » About sample code SDIDOCVIEW Collapse All
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Yong Seok Kim Jan 9, 2003 - 10:19 PM

I am trying to test the Prof-UIS sample code SDIDOCVIEW because I think the code is good for our new application.
But, some bugs were found at your programs when I tested it in my computer which has dual monitors and uses Windows XP.
The bugs are as follows.
1. The main menu items appeared at the most right side of the primary monitor when the sample progam "sdidocview.exe"
is excuted on the second monitor.
2. "Assert failed" occures when the smaple program is started form any one monitor and move it to the other monitor
and click the title bar of a docked control bar.

The "assert failed" occured at the line 12300 in ExtControlBar.cpp file.
The line has "ASSERT( rcFrameWnd.left <= rcCircle0.left );".

The followings are call stack values when the assert is failed.
CExtControlBar::InternalDraggingState_t::CalcStateDynamic(CPoint {x=1113 y=309}) line 12299 + 30 bytes
CExtControlBar::_DraggingUpdateState(const CPoint & {x=1113 y=309}) line 8470
CExtControlBar::_DraggingStart(const CPoint & {x=1113 y=309}, const CPoint & {x=86 y=7}) line 8251 + 20 bytes
CExtControlBar::OnLButtonDown(unsigned int 1, CPoint {x=1113 y=309}) line 6632 + 24 bytes
CWnd::OnWndMsg(unsigned int 513, unsigned int 1, long -851886, long * 0x0012fb28) line 1964
CWnd::WindowProc(unsigned int 513, unsigned int 1, long -851886) line 1585 + 30 bytes
CControlBar::WindowProc(unsigned int 513, unsigned int 1, long -851886) line 480 + 20 bytes
CExtControlBar::WindowProc(unsigned int 513, unsigned int 1, long -851886) line 5470
AfxCallWndProc(CWnd * 0x00377ee8 {CExtControlBar hWnd=???}, HWND__ * 0x00090404, unsigned int 513, unsigned int 1, long -851886) line 215 + 26 bytes

You have to make a decison whether we use your product or not ASAP.
Please, let me know what is wrong with my sample program ASAP.

Yong Seok Kim

P.S. ;
Yong Jin Shin who is in purchasement part bought your product Prof-UIS but I am the software team manager who is trying to test your program.
So, please reply your answer to my e-mail adress.