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Forums » Prof-UIS General Discussion » ProfUIS-Controls Sample has a bug..i think ( Prof-UIS2.88 & VC6.0 ) Collapse All
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park ki tae Mar 25, 2010 - 11:02 PM

BOOL CPageListCtrl::OnInitDialog()



INT nColumnCount = 5, nColumnIndex;

 for( nColumnIndex = 0; nColumnIndex < nColumnCount; nColumnIndex ++ )


  CExtSafeString strColumnCaptionText;

//  strColumnCaptionText.Format( _T("Column %02d"), nColumnIndex );

     strColumnCaptionText.Format( _T("%d"), nColumnIndex );

  m_wndList.InsertColumn( nColumnIndex, strColumnCaptionText, LVCFMT_LEFT, 150 );




 i changed the code above and complie in WIN32 MBCS Mode and run.

 then the program is crashed when i click ListView Button

 but in VC 7.1, there is no problem.




Technical Support Mar 26, 2010 - 9:39 AM

Thank you for reporting this issue. You can fix it by updating the following two methods:

void CExtHeaderCtrl::OnPaint() 
            ASSERT_VALID( this );
CRect rcClient;
            GetClientRect( &rcClient );
CPaintDC dcPaint( this );
CExtMemoryDC dc( &dcPaint, &rcClient );
            OnEraseHeaderBackground( dc, rcClient );
INT nColNo, nColCount = INT(GetItemCount());
            for( nColNo = 0; nColNo < nColCount; nColNo++ )
                        CRect _rcItemEntire;
                        if( ! GetItemRect( nColNo, &_rcItemEntire ) )
                        if( ! dc.RectVisible( &_rcItemEntire ) )
                        HD_ITEM _item;
                        ::memset( &_item, 0, sizeof(HD_ITEM) );
                        _item.mask = UINT(-1);
                        TCHAR strText[ 1024 ];
                        ::memset( strText, 0, sizeof(strText) );
                        _item.cchTextMax = sizeof( strText ) / sizeof( strText[0] );
                        _item.pszText = strText;
                        GetItem( nColNo, &_item );
                        OnPaintHeaderItem( dc, _item, nColNo, _rcItemEntire );

CSize CExtHeaderCtrl::OnCalcHeaderItemSize(
            INT nColNo
            ) const
            ASSERT_VALID( this );
            if( GetSafeHwnd() == NULL )
                        return CSize( 0, 0 );
INT nColCount = INT( GetItemCount() );
            ASSERT( 0 <= nColNo && nColNo < nColCount );
CExtPaintManager * pPM = PmBridge_GetPM();
            ASSERT_VALID( pPM );
const EXTENDED_ITEM_DATA & _eii = ExtendedItemDataGet( nColNo );
CSize _sizeEntireItem( 0, 0 );
            if( ! _eii.m_iconButton.IsEmpty() )
                        CSize sizeButton = _eii.m_iconButton.GetSize();
                        INT nButtonPaddingBefore = 0, nButtonPaddingAfter = 0;
                        pPM->Header_GetButtonPadding( nButtonPaddingBefore, nButtonPaddingAfter, nColNo, nColCount, (CObject*)this );
               += nButtonPaddingBefore + nButtonPaddingAfter;
               = max(, );
            if( ! _eii.m_iconItem.IsEmpty() )
                        INT nBetweenIconAndText = pPM->Header_GetDistanceBetweenIconAndText( nColNo, nColCount, (CObject*)this );
                        CSize _sizeIcon = _eii.m_iconItem.GetSize();
               += nBetweenIconAndText;
               = max(, );
INT nSortRuleNo = m_sortOrder.GetColPos( nColNo );
            if( nSortRuleNo >= 0 )
                        INT nBetweenIconAndSortArrow =          pPM->Header_GetDistanceBetweenIconAndSortArrow( nColNo, nColCount, (CObject*)this );
                        INT nSortArrowExtent = pPM->Header_GetSortArrowWidth( nColNo, nColCount, (CObject*)this );
               += nSortArrowExtent + nBetweenIconAndSortArrow;
HD_ITEM _item;
            ::memset( &_item, 0, sizeof(HD_ITEM) );
            _item.mask = UINT(HDI_TEXT);
TCHAR strText[ 1024 ];
            ::memset( strText, 0, sizeof(strText) );
            _item.cchTextMax = sizeof( strText ) / sizeof( strText[0] );
            _item.pszText = strText;
            GetItem( nColNo, &_item );
CExtSafeString s;
            s = _item.pszText;
CFont * pFont = &pPM->m_FontNormal; //GetFont();
            if( pFont->GetSafeHandle() == NULL )
                        pFont = &(pPM->m_FontNormal);
CClientDC dc( (CWnd*)this );
CSize _sizeText = CExtPaintManager::stat_CalcTextDimension( dc, *pFont, s ).Size();
   = max(, );

CRect rcItemPadding = pPM->Header_GetItemPadding( nColNo, nColCount, (CObject*)this );
   += rcItemPadding.left + rcItemPadding.right;
   += + rcItemPadding.bottom;
            return _sizeEntireItem;