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Forums » Prof-UIS General Discussion » How to talk to Lufthansa customer service agent? Collapse All
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smart catchess Dec 2, 2023 - 2:25 AM

Online Chat is mainly preferred when travelers want to explain their flight problems in detail, which they cannot do on the call. Also, to get Lufthansa Airlines Live Chat services, fliers must focus on the following options carefully. They should click on the "Help" options. Now, fliers can open the Chat-bot and start conversations with agents. They should also choose the flight-associated topics from the given options or ask for details on rebooking, refund, and status on the same chat platforms. So one must know how do I speak to live person at Lufthansa? Or how do I get a live person at Lufthansa? And get a complete guidance for a journey. Lufthansa Airlines virtual assistant will give reasonable flight response prior to plane take off.
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