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Forums » Prof-UIS General Discussion » How to delete all the Menu Collapse All
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ven rag Dec 29, 2005 - 4:21 AM

I want to delete all the Menus in the Menu Bar.

for eg I have Menu IDR_MDIDOCTYPE,Which is loaded in the MDI frame when I Open a new document .I want to delete all the Menu ie from root menu to the submenu in IDR_MDIDOCTYPE .

and then

I want to insert my own menu in the IDR_MDIDOCTYPE.I should able to insert root,submenu and POPUP menu in the submenu.

for eg



New(submenu under root FILE)

Open(submenu under root FILE)

Shape(submenu under root FILE)------->Circle(submenu under Shape)

EXIT                                                    Square(submenu under Shape)

                                                           Rect(submenu under Shape)


How do it ....

Thank u

Technical Support Dec 30, 2005 - 8:03 AM

The solution is also based on overriding the _UpdateMenuBar() virtual method in the CExtMenuControlBar-derived class, which we described in our previous answers to your questions.

ven rag Dec 31, 2005 - 2:30 AM

I have overrided  _UpdateMenuBar() virtual method in the CExtMenuControlBar-derived class.

I mentioned the line of the error in  the  red font.

I am getting an Assertion error. I think due to this Assertion error I could not load the new menu bar.

please sample code for inserting the my menu in the new menu bar.

BOOL CMyMenuBar::_UpdateMenuBar( BOOL bDoRecalcLayout // = TRUE
    SetButtons(); // remove all buttons
  // remove all previously allocated command identifiers 
  // for menu buttons
       g_CmdManager->ProfileNameFromWnd( GetSafeHwnd() ),
       (DWORD)CExtCmdItem::STATE_MENUBAR_TMP ));
-->"Iam getting the Assertion Error in the line".

   CMenu * pMenu = _GetMenu();
   if( pMenu->GetSafeHmenu() != NULL )
     bool bRevertRTL = OnQueryRevertRTL();
     UINT nMenuItemCount = pMenu->GetMenuItemCount();
     for( UINT nMenuItemIndex = 0; nMenuItemIndex < nMenuItemCount; nMenuItemIndex++ )
   UINT nInsertButtonLocation =
      ? 0
      : nMenuItemIndex
      ::memset( &mii, 0, sizeof(MENUITEMINFO) );
      mii.cbSize = sizeof(MENUITEMINFO);
      mii.fMask =
             mii.cch = __MAX_UI_ITEM_TEXT;
             CExtSafeString sText;
             mii.dwTypeData =
                        sText.GetBuffer( __MAX_UI_ITEM_TEXT );
             ASSERT( mii.dwTypeData != NULL );
             if( mii.dwTypeData == NULL )
                ASSERT( FALSE );
                return FALSE;  

      if( ! pMenu->GetMenuItemInfo(
                 ASSERT( FALSE );
                 return false;
              BOOL bAppendMdiWindowsMenu = FALSE;
              UINT nCmdID = 0;
              CExtCmdItem * pCmdItem = NULL;
              if( mii.hSubMenu == NULL )
                 nCmdID = mii.wID;
                 if( nCmdID == ID_SEPARATOR )
                    if( ! InsertButton(
                                return FALSE; 
                   } // if( nCmdID == ID_SEPARATOR )  
                   ASSERT( CExtCmdManager::IsCommand(nCmdID) );  
                  pCmdItem =
                  g_CmdManager->ProfileNameFromWnd( GetSafeHwnd() ),
                  ASSERT( pCmdItem != NULL );
                 } // if( mii.hSubMenu == NULL )
                       pCmdItem =     
                       g_CmdManager->ProfileNameFromWnd( GetSafeHwnd() )
                        if( pCmdItem == NULL )
                          ASSERT( FALSE );
                          return FALSE;
                        }// if( pCmdItem == NULL )
                          nCmdID = pCmdItem->m_nCmdID;
                          ASSERT( CExtCmdManager::IsCommand(nCmdID) );
                          if( _IsMdiApp() && (! m_sMdiWindowPopupName.IsEmpty() ) )
                             CExtSafeString _sText(sText);
                             while( _sText.Replace(_T("&"),_T("")) > 0 )
                             }// while( _sText.Replace(_T("&"),_T("")) > 0 )
                            if( _sText == m_sMdiWindowPopupName )
                             bAppendMdiWindowsMenu = TRUE;
                        } // if( _IsMdiApp() && (! m_sMdiWindowPopupName.IsEmpty() ) )
                     } // else from if( mii.hSubMenu == NULL )
                   ASSERT( pCmdItem != NULL );
                   if( pCmdItem->m_sToolbarText.IsEmpty() )
                       pCmdItem->m_sToolbarText = sText;  
                    if( pCmdItem->m_sMenuText.IsEmpty() )     
                     pCmdItem->m_sMenuText = sText;
                     if( ! InsertButton(
                    ASSERT( FALSE );
                    return FALSE;
                   if( mii.hSubMenu != NULL )
                        ASSERT( ::IsMenu(mii.hSubMenu) );
                   } // if( mii.hSubMenu != NULL )
                 if( bAppendMdiWindowsMenu )
                 } // if( bAppendMdiWindowsMenu )
       } // for( UINT nMenuItemIndex = 0; nMenuItemIndex < nMenuItemCount; nMenuItemIndex++ )
        ASSERT( m_pRightBtn == NULL );
        m_pRightBtn = OnCreateBarRightBtn();
        if( m_pRightBtn != NULL )
          ASSERT_VALID( m_pRightBtn );
          ASSERT_KINDOF( CExtBarContentExpandButton, m_pRightBtn );
          m_buttons.Add( m_pRightBtn );
        }// if( m_pRightBtn != NULL )
     } // if( pMenu->GetSafeHmenu() != NULL )

// TO DO:
// insert custom menu bar’s buttons here
if( _IsMdiApp() )
  if( !IsOleIpObjActive() )
    if( _InstallMdiDocButtons( FALSE ) )
            bDoRecalcLayout = TRUE;
    VERIFY( _SyncActiveMdiChild() );

if( bDoRecalcLayout )


///////////////////"I want to know what the below code does"///////////////
if( m_pDockSite != NULL )
   //CFrameWnd * pFrame = GetParentFrame();
   //ASSERT_VALID( pFrame );
   //if( pFrame->IsKindOf(RUNTIME_CLASS(CExtMiniDockFrameWnd)) )
  // pFrame->SetWindowPos(
   //NULL, 0, 0, 0, 0,
  // );
 } // if( m_pDockSite != NULL )
 } // if( bDoRecalcLayout )
  return TRUE;


Technical Support Dec 31, 2005 - 8:43 AM

The CExtCmdManager::CmdRemoveByMask() returns false and causes an assertion message in the debug version of the VERIFY() macro because you forgot to initialize the command profile during your application startup. The CMainFrame::OnCreate() method in your project should invoke the g_CmdManager->ProfileSetup( . . . ) or g_CmdManager->ProfileWndAdd( . . . ) code like in any of our sample applications. Please fix this. Just take a look at the CMainFrame::OnCreate() method of one of our simplest applications like SDI, MDI, SDIDOCVIEW or MDIDOCVIEW for details.

The source code at the end of the _UpdateMenuBar() method that you also marked with red is needed to update the size of the menu bar’s floating mini frame window window according to the re-created menu bar’s buttons. This code is invoked only when the menu bar is floating. So, please do not comment it.

ven rag Jan 2, 2006 - 10:55 PM

As u have told I have already intialized in OnCreate function of CMainFrame()


int CMainFrame::OnCreate(LPCREATESTRUCT lpCreateStruct)
   CWinApp * pApp = ::AfxGetApp();
 ASSERT( pApp != NULL );
 ASSERT( pApp->m_pszRegistryKey != NULL );
 ASSERT( pApp->m_pszRegistryKey[0] != _T(’\0’) );
 ASSERT( pApp->m_pszProfileName != NULL );
 ASSERT( pApp->m_pszProfileName[0] != _T(’\0’) );
 if( CMDIFrameWnd::OnCreate(lpCreateStruct) == -1 )
  return -1;

When I debugged the function _UpdateMenuBar().

Note:Iam calling the _UpdateMenuBar in the OnCreate() function of the child frame.

<--- indicates debugger

      BOOL CMyMenuBar::_UpdateMenuBar( BOOL bDoRecalcLayout // = TRUE
    SetButtons(); // remove all buttons
  // remove all previously allocated command identifiers 
  // for menu buttons
       g_CmdManager->ProfileNameFromWnd( GetSafeHwnd() ),<---
       (DWORD)CExtCmdItem::STATE_MENUBAR_TMP ));

----->from GetSafeHwnd() the code jumps to the below function on debugging.

_AFXWIN_INLINE HWND CWnd::GetSafeHwnd() const
 { return this == NULL ? NULL : m_hWnd; }-->here the function is returning the NULL value instead of m_hWnd

I am getting the hWnd=0x00000000(NULL).I think due to the empty handle only iam getting this error.

----->from CExtCmdItem::STATE_MENUBAR_TMP the function jumps to

__EXT_MFC_SAFE_LPCTSTR CExtCmdManager::ProfileNameFromWnd(
 HWND hWnd
 ASSERT( hWnd != NULL );
<---- from here the debugging jumps to AfxAssertFailedLine() function.

So Iam getting the error in the PeekMessage of the AfxAssertFailedLine() function.

What i should do to get the handle .

BOOL AFXAPI AfxAssertFailedLine(LPCSTR lpszFileName, int nLine)
 // we remove WM_QUIT because if it is in the queue then the message box
 // won’t display

 MSG msg;
 BOOL bQuit = PeekMessage(&msg, NULL, WM_QUIT, WM_QUIT, PM_REMOVE);//I have got the error in this line.
 BOOL bResult = _CrtDbgReport(_CRT_ASSERT, lpszFileName, nLine, NULL, NULL);
 if (bQuit)
 return bResult;

How to solve this problem?

Technical Support Jan 3, 2006 - 4:55 AM

If the CWnd::GetSafeHwnd() method returns NULL instead of a valid HWND handle, then the window is not created yet, nor subclassed or it is already destroyed. We guess you forgot to invoke the CExtMenuControlBar::Create() method for your menu bar window. The CMainFrame::OnCreate() method is responsible for the menu bar creation and should contain the code lines like below next to the place where toolbars are created:

    if( ! m_wndMenuBar.Create(
            NULL, // _T("Menu Bar"),
        TRACE0("Failed to create menubar\n");
        return -1;

ven rag Jan 3, 2006 - 6:48 AM

For eg: "MDI_DynamicBars" program  in the ProfUIS Samples programs.When no document is open the program loads "IDR_MAINFRAME"  Menu from the resource.But if a new document is opened then the program loads "IDR_MDIDOCTYPE" Menu from the resource.What I won’t to do is that When I open a new document, my Dynamic Bar should Loaded (ie) When I open a New document "IDR_MDIDOCTYPE" should not be loaded.To solve this what I did was I called the overridden _UpdateMenuBar() function from the CChildFrame OnCreate() function like this

int CChildFrame::OnCreate(LPCREATESTRUCT lpCreateStruct)
 if (CMDIChildWnd::OnCreate(lpCreateStruct) == -1)
  return -1;

 CMyMenuBar mymenu;
 // TODO: Add your specialize  creation code here
 return 0;
When I call the _UpdaMenuBar() function ,As I told before I could not get the CWnd::GetSafeHwnd() method returns NULL instead of a valid HWND handle.As u have told me that I have not called then CExtMenuControlBar::Create() function.That true.But I don’t know where to call this function.can u use the same sample program that i have used (ie)"MDI_DynamicBars" program from PROFUIS Sample programs AND add the Dynamic Menu when i open the new Document .That is When I press ctrl+N the New Dynamic Menu Bar and The Dynamic Menus should be added .

Thank u .






Technical Support Jan 4, 2006 - 11:41 AM

You can use only one menu line in your MDI application. You should not even code complex things like you try to do. Just remove the IDR_MDIDOCTTYPE menu from your project and replace IDR_MDIDOCTTYPE with IDR_MAINFRAME in the source code.

ven rag Jan 5, 2006 - 6:21 AM

But I have did this correctly in mfc.I think two ways we can load the Menu.1.U can add the Dynamic MenuBar and Menu instead of IDR_MDIDOCTTYPE from the resource 2.We can remove items in  IDR_MDIDOCTTYPE at runtime and insert our Dynamic poup menu in the IDR_MDIDOCTTYPE MenuBar.

"Please give me the Sample for creating a Dynamic Menu and Inserting a Dynamic Menu in IDR_MDIDOCTTYPE  at runtime in ProfUIS with MFC "

Thank u.

Technical Support Jan 5, 2006 - 10:58 AM

Let us put this in a different way to help you more efficiently. Please create a new project and add all the important UI parts you need in your real application. After that, please send this project to us and let us know what’s wrong.