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Forums » Prof-UIS General Discussion » Advice on the organisational structure of a company Collapse All
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Osman Demir Mar 6, 2024 - 3:35 PM

The structure of a company can become a brake on and hinder development. Even a small, profitable business sooner or later starts to change, scale and grow.
Problems begin when a business expands or changes its operations. The work of new departments, offices and divisions needs to be adjusted. If the structure and business processes do not change, organisational chaos awaits sooner or later. Dealing with it while in the midst of it is very difficult.

PAnDiKubiz specialists consult clients on improving organizational structure, optimization of business processes, and effective management systems. The current status of the organization is analyzed, its strengths and weaknesses are identified. The customer receives a detailed plan and recommendations on how to improve organizational structure and optimize business processes.

The most common problems with the overall structure of the company are
- ambiguity in distribution of powers and responsibilities between the company’s top managers
- duplication of the same functions by several departments
- informal connections, manipulation and close proximity to management in the company structure
- Absence of a clear hierarchy on many levels
- double subordination

An important step in organisational consulting is to understand the goals and strategy of the company. In cooperation with PAnDiKubiz Cyprus consultants, the top management of the company determines the order of reorganization of the structures, prioritizes the tasks and defines the business processes that should remain unchanged. Based on this data, the best options for the changed structure are determined, taking into account the client’s needs.