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Forums » Prof-UIS General Discussion » About CExtControlBar... Collapse All
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tarou iiyama Jul 13, 2006 - 1:24 AM



CExtControlBar is the present.
Is it connected to the left?
Is it connected to the right?
Is it connected to the top?
Is it connected to the bottom?

I want to examine it.

It is not examined in IsDockedAtRight, IsDockedAtLeft well.

Thanking you in advance.

tarou iiyama Jul 13, 2006 - 3:43 AM

Do you set it in Postion at the time of MiniDock?

tarou iiyama Jul 13, 2006 - 6:05 PM


Will contents of a question be illegible?

Technical Support Jul 14, 2006 - 4:14 AM

et us assume we have the following:

CExtControlBar * pSomeBar = . . .
CFrameWnd * pMainFrame = . . .
CFrameWnd * pParentFrame = pSomeBar->GetParentFrame();
Then we can compute this:
bool bSingleFloatingBarInItsMiniFrame = pSomeBar->IsFloating();
    if( bSingleFloatingBarInItsMiniFrame )
        return; // the pSomeBar bar is alone in its floating mini frame window
    if( pParentFrame == pMainFrame )
        return; // the pSomeBar bar is docked inside the main frame window
Now we know that the pSomeBar bar is inside a complex mini frame window. Its parent window is an CExtDockBar object. But we need to find the nearest CExtDockDynBar parent window which can be either a dynamic horizontal/vertical bar container or a tabbed bar container:
CWnd * pParentWnd = pSomeBar->GetParent();
CExtDockDynBar * pDynDockBar = NULL;
    for( ; pParentWnd != pParentFrame; pParentWnd = pParentWnd->GetParent() )
            pDynDockBar = DYNAMIC_DOWNCAST( CExtDockDynBar, pParentWnd );
            if( pDynDockBar != NULL)
    if( pDynDockBar == NULL )
You should not face a situation when the pDynDockBar is NULL. You may come across this only when the resizable bar is being drag-and-dropped.

Now we should check whether the pDynDockBar window is a dynamic tabbed bar container:
CExtDockDynTabBar * pTabbedGroupContainer = DYNAMIC_DOWNCAST( CExtDockDynTabBar, pDynDockBar );
    if( pTabbedGroupContainer != NULL )
        return; // this is not interesting for us
Now we know that the
window is a container for one row or one column of bars and we can walk though all the bars in this container and check where each bar in this container is:
// first check the horizontal or vertical orientation
DWORD dwWndID = (DWORD)pDynDockBar->GetDlgCtrlID();
bool bContainerOrientationIsHorizontal =
        ( dwWndID == AFX_IDW_DOCKBAR_TOP || dwWndID == AFX_IDW_DOCKBAR_BOTTOM ) ? true : false;
// this pre-processor function is needed for the next step
#if _MFC_VER >= 0x710
    #define __ARRAY_ENTRY_IS_PLACEHODLER_MARKER__( __CB__ )         ( ( DWORD_PTR(__CB__) ) <= 0x0FFFF )
    #define __ARRAY_ENTRY_IS_PLACEHODLER_MARKER__( __CB__ )         ( ( HIWORD(__CB__) ) == 0 )

// now we will walk through all the bars in the container
INT nIndexInArray, nCountOfArrayEntries = pDynDockBar->m_arrBars.GetSize();
    for( nIndexInArray = 0; nIndexInArray < nCountOfArrayEntries; nIndexInArray ++ )
        CExtControlBar * pBar = (CExtControlBar *)pDynDockBar->m_arrBars[nIndexInArray];
        if( pBar == NULL || __ARRAY_ENTRY_IS_PLACEHODLER_MARKER__( pBar ) )
            continue; // pBar is not a valid pointer
        // You can analyze pBar here and detect which of your bars are
        // at left/top/right/bottom relative to your other bars