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Forums » Elegant Ribbon Tech Support » Position of Elegant Control between XP an Windows is diffrent Collapse All
Subject Author Date
Reza Habibi Nov 9, 2011 - 8:40 AM


if i place a Elegant contoll (Button, ..) in my form and start the programm then is the position of the controll diffrernt between XP and Windows 7.

Is there one solution.




Milan Hudec Nov 8, 2020 - 9:45 AM

No, it is not solved at all...

Reza Habibi Nov 22, 2011 - 9:15 PM


this problem is solved with then new Verison 4.2


Trhank you



Technical Support Nov 21, 2011 - 1:12 PM

Could you please provide us with a sample, illustrating the issue?